Work Package 2.1b
Genetic research on NUE, conducted within WP2.1b, will be focused on rice and wheat (61% of the harvest in SA). Three approaches will be used: i) Screening populations to map NUE or related traits using genome-wide association (GWA) mapping. ii) Detailed physiological and molecular studies (transcriptomics and proteomics) of a relatively small number of contrasting genotypes differing in NUE and the identification of candidate genes. iii) Molecular biological and physiological studies in candidate haplotypes and/or genes using either accessions were chosen based on genetic grounds (e.g. contrasting alleles) or novel genetic resources (activation-tagged lines & gene-edited material using CRISPR).
Work package level Specific objectives
- Screening populations to map NUE or related traits using genome-wide association (GWA) mapping
- GWA mapping in rice
- GWA mapping wheat
- training and bioinformatics support
- Detailed physiological and molecular studies (transcriptomics and proteomics) of a relatively small number of contrasting genotypes differing in NUE and the identification of candidate genes
- Molecular biological and physiological studies in candidate haplotypes and/or genes using either accession chosen based on genetic grounds (e.g. contrasting alleles) or novel genetic resources (activation-tagged lines & gene-edited material using CRISPR).
- data management
Work package level-specific questions or hypotheses
- Can reliable genetic variation for NUE in rice and wheat be detected?
- Are there genetic loci and candidate genes that appear to positively influence NUE in rice and wheat?
- Can genetics, transcriptomics and proteomics be used to identify alleles of genes worthy of breeding for NUE in rice and/or wheat?
Work Package Leads:
- Price (UOA)
- Raghuram (SIT)
- University of Aberdeen
- Rothamsted Research
- University of Faisalabad