Work Package 3.3
Drawing on extensive experience in digital education aligned with our unparalleled expertise in N research and education needs in SA, this Work Package will deliver world-leading N education at a range of scales. We will create a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on N challenges in each of the 8 national languages of SA to reach a mass audience (high-school to undergraduate). We will combine in-country training and specialised digital education resources to enhance the capacity for improved N research, policy and management. Special focus will be given to N threats on Himalayan forests and on coral reefs (linked to WP3.1-3.2), managed ecosystems (Nr flows in all 8 countries) and the Nitrogen Circular Economy (RP2), with societal interactions focused on social research capacity and human health outcomes (linking outcomes of RP1 and RP4).
Work package level Specific objectives
- Translation of our world-first nitrogen MOOC’ into the 8 national languages of the South Asia partners. Each MOOC translation then checked by the in-country N champion to correct any errors. N Champion for each nation then interviewed (with Reay and Moring using UoE online suite) to provide introductory video in national language for each MOOC.
- ‘Nitrogen MRV’ online course: enhancing N flux estimation and reporting. A specialised open online course (SOOC) covering monitoring, reporting and verification methods for key N species (NH3, NO3, N2O, NOx). Aligned with existing international standards (e.g. IPCC) and providing tiered levels to account for the diversity of technical expertise, equipment and data availability.
- ‘Nitrogen & Society’ online course: research skills for social science & nitrogen. Combines existing (Cambridge) course on social science research methods with a residential training course for 16 SANH delegates (2 from each South Asia partner nation) that is also recorded. Delivers a tertiary level online course that incorporates interviews, footage and role-plays from the residential training course within the framework of the existing course (using N as a case study).
- ‘Nitrogen & Planetary Health MOOC: Massive Open Online course in collaboration with all GCRF Hubs, the Planetary Health Alliance, and InterAction Council. Delivers top-level messages on Nitrogen’s role in planetary health for a mass audience (high school level content).
Work package level-specific hypotheses
Not applicable - this WP is focused on developing and delivering a suite of online educational resources
Work Package Leads:
- Aziz (UoF)
- Reay (UoE)
- University of Faisalabad
- University of Edinburgh