Work Package 4.1 Harmonised Datasets
Work Package 4.1 have been developing a standardised suite of datasets that will be used across the Hub for a range of modelling and review work. Partner institutions have been busy collecting a range of national and global datasets including data on livestock, fertiliser use, daily weather data, crop data, soil data, crop management data, and more. WP 4.1 has also created a working document outlining which datasets are available for each country from different sources. This helps SANH members to easily identify what they can expect to be available for their use. It also helps identify gaps in datasets which can then be filled. These documents present spatial data and associated data tables that can be zoomed in/out and panned across, for example, the existing emission, deposition, livestock, human population and landcover data that we have prepared for use by the modellers.
The datasets (derived from global data collections e.g. from FAO, EDGAR, etc.) can be viewed without any requirement for GIS skills, and assessed against each country's national knowledge and datasets and will be used to elicit feedback on the data quality of these "first round" of datasets, to then inform the next iteration of harmonised model input datasets to be prepared and shared. Work Package 4.1's dataset collection and harmonisation work will help the future modelling work and allow for RP 4 to look more at the flows of nitrogen in the air, land, and ocean.
WP 4.1 have also been collaborating with RP1 on a joint peer-review paper, contributing maps and novel graphics to characterise atmospheric N emissions across South Asia's emission sectors by country (with the University of Edinburgh and other partners) which will be used to provide more information on nitrogen to policy makers in the region. WP 4.1's dataset collection and harmonisation work will inform the future modelling work and allow for RP 4 to produce a holistic picture of the flows of nitrogen across air, land, freshwaters and ocean.