SANH Farmer Engagement
Farmers are one of the major stakeholders when it comes to nitrogen use and management. SANH has been working closely with farmers to ensure they are included in SANH's work. All face-to-face meetings were conducted either prior to the pandemic or when considered safe to do so by local authorities.
Colleagues in Sri Lanka have been heavily engaging with local farmers as part of RP 2. They have held farmer's meetings to discuss the work of SANH and the issue of nitrogen. Our partner, the University of Peradeniya, have met with groups of farmers growing different kinds of crops such as vegetables and rice to discuss nitrogen and SANH.
SANH partner, the University of Kabul, has also been working with farmers in Afghanistan as part of RP 2. A great effort has been made to build trust with partners and explain the work of SANH and how nitrogen is impacting the environment.
Our partner, BSMRAU, hosted a farmer/scientist dialogue event in March 2021. It was an excellent interactive event to discuss agricultural management options to sustainably use nitrogen. The event was attended by scientists from across Bangladesh, farmers, policymakers and was covered by local media and newspapers.
Our Indian partners have been working closely with farmers as part of RP 2 and are planning on hosting farmer/scientist dialogue meetings to talk to them further on the issue of nitrogen. These meetings will take place when safe to do so.