Work Package 4.1
Within Research Programme 4, a coherent system of spatial-temporal models will address the full N cycle for SA, linking land, air, freshwater and marine flows and impacts, and contributing to the INMS International Nitrogen Assessment (2022). WP4.1 focuses on data harmonization across SA, working with RP1-2 partners to improve inputs, inc. emissions, then integrating the outputs to establish the first national N budgets.
Work package level Specific objectives
- To identify common data needs across RP4 and lead on liaising with all RP4 partners on common input/output datasets for modelling
- To harmonize datasets across South Asia and RP4 (where data are required by more than one WP), including data collation, checking and documentation/metadata, providing information on licensing/sharing and making data available
- To prepare high-resolution maps of atmospheric emissions of ammonia, NOx and other atmospheric nitrogen compounds (for use by WP4.2 atmospheric modelling)
- To contribute to scenario modelling across RP4 (in collaboration with WP1.2, scenario development)
- To build N budgets for South Asia at the regional and national level, with data and input provided by partners from across RP4
Work package level-specific questions or hypotheses
- What are the common datasets required for modelling nitrogen across all environmental compartments (freshwater, marine, coastal, air, soil, vegetation) in South Asia?
- Improved understanding and quantification of nitrogen emissions to the atmosphere across anthropogenic and natural sources across South Asia
- Quantification of nitrogen budgets across South Asia and nationally/regionally: what are the key drivers of nitrogen losses across South Asia?
- What are the most effective mitigation options to minimize N losses, through policy development?
Work Package Leads:
- Jain (IARI)
- Dragosits (CEH)
- University of Kathmandu
- University of Faisalabad
- Royal University of Bhutan