The Indian Nitrogen Policy Report was launched at the inaugural session of the SANH Annual meeting held at the University of Peradeniya, Kandy, Sri Lanka from 02-06 October 2023. Prof. Tapan K. Adhya, Co-Director (Science) SANH Project and Country lead, India formally handed over the Project Report to the Assistant High Commissioner of India in Sri Lanka.
This report is essential to comprehending India's current nitrogen policy landscape in South Asia. The report compiled a list of 306 nitrogen-related policies from various Indian government websites and their analysis. This report is an output of SANH work package 1.1. Dignitaries in attendance included Prof. M.D. Lamawansa (Vice Chancellor, University of Peradeniya). Prof. Mark Sutton (Director, SANH), Prof. Sarath Nissanka (Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya) and others.
The report was greatly appreciated by one and all.