Maldives, officially the Republic of Maldives, is a small archipelagic state in South Asia, situated in the Arabian Sea of the Indian Ocean. Maldives, officially the Republic of Maldives, is a small archipelagic state in South Asia, situated in the Arabian Sea of the Indian Ocean. Malé is the capital and the most populated city, traditionally called the "King's Island" where the ancient royal dynasties ruled for its central location
- The Republic of the Maldives is a diverse group of 1,200 largely uninhabited islands in the Indian Ocean.
- The Maldives is the smallest Asian country both in size and population and the country with the lowest highpoint - at 2.4 metres.
- Male, the capital, crams 75,000 people into just 1.7 square kilometres. It is a bustling market town, linked by steamship to Sri Lanka and India, and it relies of fishing and tourism.
- The coral islands are home to 1100 species of fish, including the scorpionfish, whose poisonous spikes can be fatal if you step on them.
- The red rectangle of the Maldives flag represents the the nation's heroes, while the green rectangle in the centre of the flag symbolises peace and prosperity. The white crescent moon is for Islam.
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